
We understand that reviews are important.

In this 2025 renewed website of Azur Pavillon, you will notice that a lot of our accommodations don’t have a review yet. This has to do with the fact that we only recently have added the possibility for leaving a review.

Although we have been renting out most of our registered accommodations for several years, and some even as from we have started at the Côte d’Azur in 2010, we firstly did not want to bother our guests to ask for it….

Today, more and more potential renters would like to read about experiences of previous guests and, that’s why we decided to add this function into our new website.

May we ask you to spare a few minutes, during or after your stay, to leave a review about the accommodation you are staying in? That way our following guest, get a good impression what to expect!

We are open for your suggestions and we all learn from your experiences!

Thank you in advance.

Paul & Astrid Segaar